Choose Options Compare P-10 Suppressor Sights $70.00 Black Suppressor Height Forward Glock Dovetail: Ameriglo GL-404 & Dawson Precision .280" Front Black Suppressor Height Rear Glock Dovetail: Ameriglo GLT-507 & Dawson Precision .280" Front Black Suppressor Height With Rear P-10... $70.00 Choose Options Compare
Choose Options Compare P-07/09 Suppressor Sights $70.00 Black Suppressor Height Forward Glock Dovetail: Dawson Precision .395" Rear & Dawson Precision .330" Front Black Suppressor Height Rear Glock Dovetail: Primary Machine Rear & Dawson Precision .370" Front Sets are ONLY intended for use... $70.00 Choose Options Compare
Add to Cart Compare VP9 Suppressor Sights $70.00 Black Suppressor Height: Dawson Precision .295" Front & Dawson Precision .405" Rear Sights are only intended for use with Trijicon RMR/SRO, Holosun 507C. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OPTIC READY MODELS $70.00 Add to Cart Compare
Choose Options Compare M&P Suppressor Sights $70.00 Black Suppressor Height Forward Dovetail: Ameriglo GL-428 & Dawson Precision .360" Front Black Suppressor Height Rear Dovetail: Ameriglo GLT-507 & Dawson Precision .360" Front Sets are ONLY intended for use with our optic milling. Sights are... $70.00 Choose Options Compare